explorers' club

explorations in dev, science, sci-fi, games, and other fun stuff!


Tutorial: handling service validation errors & cairngorm – part 3


Last time we discussed two methods for handling service validation errors in a Cairngorm application. The first method was to borrow from some AS2/ARP techniques by passing a reference. The second method was to leverage the event nature of Flex and use a central event dispatcher type approach. Both of these have their advantages and certainly have their disadvantages. This last approach will try to take the best from both worlds and combine them to alleviate some of the problems we encountered.

ServiceValidationErrorManager method

Again you will have to pardon the names here but this gets the point across. There is no doubt what this puppy does. For the sake of simplicity I will continue to call it “the manager”. Ok so the manager is a) a Singleton-type class and b) has at its root a property called currentClient. Here’s a peek:

pacakge com.foo.managers
     public class ServiceValidationErrorManager
         public var currentClient:IServiceValidationClient;
         static private var _instance:ServiceValidationErrorManager;
         static public function getInstance (){}//you get the idea....

The idea is pretty much the same as the first method in that our views serve as the IServiceValidationClient. When dispatching a Cairngorm event we register the client with the manager class (if applicable). Basically that is achieved by:

ServiceValidationErrorManager.getInstance().currentClient = this; //the view/implementor

So this fixes issues from the other two methods. Firstly it eliminates the need to pass the view to the command. Secondly it doesn’t get us tangled up in all these IEventDispatcher methods.

Now upon a response that has some validation errors, we can simply say:


The other nice thing is that we needn’t really worry about garbage collection because we’re only dealing with one property on one class. It gets overwritten when needed. Now you may be asking why use a separate manager type class. Well you may want to have some logic in there for various things including queuing the views, and other crap I can’t think of right now.


This could easily be adapted to a preexisting singleton model so you can reduce the need for the additional class. You just gotta remember its there. Also, even though you needn’t clear out the property on the manager, it does make good practice. Having a manager class allows you to do just that: manage validation errors appropriately. Of course this might be a grotesque oversimplification of a very serious need, you get the gist of the idea.


  • OOP
  • negates the use of IEventDispatcher logic in both view and command
  • provides a centralized place to handle more robust registration for error handling


  • adds another class
  • still doesn’t address timing issue, unless you implement some queuing mechanism in the manager when setting the current client
  • not as elegantly simple as method one

That’s it folks. 3 very ugly solutions to an ugly problem. Chime in and let me know how you do it. Thanks.


Tutorial: handling service validation errors & cairngorm – part 2


So last we left off we had discussed the reference method for passing info back and forth to the relevant view notifying the user about needed data changes. If you need a refresher check part 1. This next way of handling service validation errors is very simple, however it requires a bit more work.

central event dispatcher method

This method requires two additional classes which we will call something like ServiceValidationEventDispatcher & ServiceValidationErrorEvent. I am not too good at naming things off the top of my head so feel free to lay into me on this one. The point is this: We want a globally accessible IEventDispatcher class we can tap into from both the views and the commands. And we want an event that we can attach some data to in order to pass it back. The SVED is pretty straight forward so I won’t create that here. Just know its an IEventDispatcher and I would make it a Singleton-type class. The new event class should probably look kinda like this:

package com.foo.events
     public class ServiceValidationErrorEvent extends Event
          static public const SERVICE_VALIDATION_ERRORS:String = "serviceValidationErrors";

          public var errors:Array = [];

hooking it up

We are hanging onto the interface from part 1 but we’re gonna modify it for this particular implementation. Instead of the passing the array to the handleValidationErrors, we are gonna pass it a ServiceValidationErrorEvent as the parameter.

Another change we do is instead of passing the view as a value on the Cairngorm event, we will tell the ServiceValidationEventDispatcher instance to register our handleValidationError method for the ServiceValidationErrorEvent:

ServiceValidationEventDispatcher.getInstance().addEventListener(ServiceValidationErrorEvent.SERVICE_VALIDATION_ERRORS, handleValidationError);

Now at this point we have a few choices. We need to make sure that we are doing our best to preserve memory and garbage collection. One way is to use a weakReference when adding the event handler. I am not a fan of this because a) we cannot control garbage collection and b) it leaves too many doors open for timing issues.

Another means would be to make sure that we always trigger the handleValidationError method on our view, checking the errors array’s length. For one reason we will be removing the event handler from the SVED. But this means then we always have to trigger it from the SVED within the command regardless of the response’s success. The other way would be to have yet another handler on the view for successful validation so that you can go ahead and remove the handler. This means fattening up our interface. There are so many little things you could do here, but the main purpose is that we are using events to trigger out handlers rather than direct triggering via a reference.


I really don’t dig this implementation because it adds more classes and more crap to remember to do. But here is a pro/con list for this method:


  • better OOP than the ref method
  • decouples the view from the command
  • leverages the event driven nature of the flash player


  • adds additional weight to your project
  • prone to timing issues
  • more stuff to remember to do

Ok so part 3 is coming next. It will basically be a blending of the two previous methods. See ya then


Tutorial: handling service validation errors & cairngorm

client-side validation

In general validation takes place in two places within a RIA: the client and the services. Generally when creating a services-enabled flex application, you try to validate some of that data on the client. For instance, you want to check for necessary data (e.g. required form fields) and properly formed data (e.g. making sure an email address has the @ sign and a domain). This is what I call client-side validation. So what do I mean by “service validation errors”?

service validation

Let’s use the example of sending some registration data to a service. We the flex client have already validated the data and send it off. So let us assume we are sending a user name, password and email address. Obviously we want our user name to be unique and the flex client hasn’t a way to determine this. Instead it relies on some registration service to check for the uniqueness of the data being sent. Ok, let’s assume now that we have sent something that is already being used by another user. This is service validation (it may be called something entirely different which I am ignorant of, but this is what I call it for now). Now if you have a good system in place, you will want to get some data associated with the registration error that just occurred. So now that we are on the same page about the high level validation stuff let’s get a closer view in handling it in an application that uses Cairngorm

user experience ground rules

Firstly I am going to set some ground rules for an application. We are going to assume that any view whose data requires a service and validation response will prompt further user input within itself. So no popups/Alerts on top of some registration popup/view. Why not? Well these solutions came about from my client’s user experience design that doesn’t allow for such simple solutions. Plus it would negate the whole purpose of my posting 😉


  1. user enters data requiring validation
  2. client-side validation occurs (assume it passes)
  3. Cairngorm event dispatches with data
  4. command (I am scrapping delegates for the sake of simplicity) process sends out and awaits reponse
  5. service validation errors come back with response necessitating changes to data
  6. command needs to notify someone that data needs to be corrected

method one: referencing

For the OOP purist out there, this might not settle well. It certainly did not settle well with me. But it’s a pragmatic approach with very few pitfalls attached. For those familiar with AS2 and ARP this will be very familiar.

Firstly we need to establish some sort of protocol for handling the service validation errors coming back. A very simple and forceful solution would be to use an interface. Let’s call it IServiceValidationClient. Yeah that sucks but it gets the point across. Here is a glimpse of that interface:

package com.foo.validation
	public interface IServiceValidationClient
		function handleValidationErrors (errors:Array):void;

Our view will implement this interface. Now to make use of it. We need pass a reference of this implementor along with the call. Depending how hairy your application is, you may have tons of custom CairngormEvent subclasses. For simplicity, I will just use a basic subclass called FooEvent. It looks like this:

package com.foo.events
	import com.adobe.cairngorm.control.CairngormEvent;
	import com.adobe.cairngorm.vo.IValueObject;
	import com.foo.ui.IServiceValidationClient;

	import flash.events.Event;

	public class FooEvent extends CairngormEvent
		public var vo:IValueObject;
		public var serviceValidationClient:IServiceValidationClient;

		public function FooEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean = false, cancelable:Boolean = false)
			super(type, bubbles, cancelable);

		override public function clone ():Event
			var evt:FooEvent = new FooEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable);
			evt.vo = vo;
			evt.serviceValidationClient = serviceValidationClient;

			return evt;

So before we dispatch the FooEvent, we just say:

var evt:FooEvent = new FooEvent("doRegistrationDude");
evt.vo /* = the value object you should have assembled from the view's inputs */
evt.serviceValidationClient = this;

Ok, so at this point we are now dealing with the command. Upon execution, you need to store an instance level reference to the event.serviceValidationClient. This way you can grab it upon the response. If there happens to be an issue with the response, assuming you have standardized the errors somehow, you just grab that reference again and say:


Now there is one thing left to do. And this is very important. You need to do some clean up after you have utilized the response data. In this call you to make the command’s ref to the view null again or it will not get garbage collected.

serviceValidationClient = null;



  • simple implementation
  • provides an interface for standardization of error handling
  • requires very little in additional coding/classes
  • not highly coupled


  • not very OOP
  • requires that you remember to implement the interface
  • requires garbage collection clean up

Ok so that is method one. I will post the other two methods in separate posts so as to make a short read of them.